
I Am a Sum of My Parts

I Am a Sum of My Parts

I'm a sum of my parts, and my career has rolled out into an odd mix of sales + social work. People in business and personal circles often ask me "How did you get started as a Patient Advocate?". I'd like to share some of my path with you today. It has been a series of...

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Triage Is My Jam

Triage Is My Jam

With years of expertise in triage and patient advocacy, I offer one-hour consultations to provide personalized assessments and actionable solutions for navigating complex challenges in healthcare and beyond.

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Caregiving Must Include Your Own Care

Caregiving Must Include Your Own Care

Caregivers often put their own needs last, leading to burnout and health issues. This blog explores the challenges of caregiving, shares real-life stories, and provides actionable tips to help caregivers prioritize their own well-being while managing their responsibilities.

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Say, Let’s Have PIE!

Say, Let’s Have PIE!

Recently, I asked folks in my online community to let me know what topics they’d like me to cover and what they’d like to know more about. Some of you wrote to me to ask for more information about solo aging. 

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Now We’re Talkin’: The Power of Patient Participation

Now We’re Talkin’: The Power of Patient Participation

Pam, the Adult Child of an aging parent, has just been in the doctor’s office with her mother. Pam and her mother had gone in response to her mother’s struggle to remember things. Her mother is complaining of pain in her hip area and stiffness when walking or dressing, resulting in lessened activities.

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