
I Won’t Let You See Me, says Momma

I Won’t Let You See Me, says Momma

I am sharing a Holiday Collection with you this year. Along with today’s piece, be sure to visit your Holiday Sampler at the end, three-holiday posts from yesteryear. (For those of you looking to sample some F.U.D.G.E., you will find six or seven pieces amongst my blog posts here).

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Behind the Scenes of Celebrity Endorsements

Behind the Scenes of Celebrity Endorsements

Today, we’re talking about celebrity endorsements. As you know, we see a lot of endorsements by famous people relative to products, drugs, apparatuses, or insurance enrollment. Did you ever give all that any thought? 

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‘Tis the Season: Let’s have some F.U.D.G.E.

‘Tis the Season: Let’s have some F.U.D.G.E.

I find that the emotions of healthcare, caregiving and aging can be digested “with or without” nuts. Does ‘F.U.D.G.E.’ get your attention? Does it draw your attention when spelled in CAPS and with periods? It did mine when I first encountered the term.

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